Friday, July 22, 2005


I am preparing a critical premier program for diabetics and for pre-diabetics, and I need your help!

You will have the opportunity to help me target simple changes in approaching diabetic daily routine ... using some of the most cutting-edge thinking in the field today.

Please write and tell me what your most important questions or concerns are about your experience with diabetes. If you are a care-giver, then please highlight that fact, and ask your questions or give your opinion, too.

I am especially interested in your view of the diabetes dietary plans you received and are working with. What are they? What results? What problems?

I appreciate your input. With at least 41 million undiagnosed pre-diabetics and 6 million undiagnosed diabetics in America, it is imperative that everyone be informed. You can become a standard-bearer for a better-educated populace, by participating here.
The way to register for your free information is at:
After submitting your question, from the thank-you page, there is a link to return here.

I applaud your decision to take charge and learn more!

Best Regards,

Diabetes Weblog News-Master


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent job EM,

I find working as a nurse that a lot of diabetics have a variety of health issues, including cardiovascular disorders, and renal impairment to name a couple. These become life threatening issues, and frequently lead to their demise. While cause of death may be listed as cardiac failure for example, the real cause was originally the diabetes. I frequently feel frustrated as a nurse to see how sick people can get, and my not being able to point them to things that I think could really benefit them. I am also a Biological Lifestyle Therapist, and I know that there is a lot that an individual can do, from a Biological perspective to help themselves, if they are aware, and are motivated to take action and responsibility for their own health. I think online resources is an excellent option for a lot of these people. So keep up the good work Em.

3:38 PM  
Blogger Adham G said...

Thats a very inspirational post you got there people should begin to realise this. I need the inspiration as of now and am looking for future posts
Free Diabetic Recipes

5:53 PM  

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