Diet Lies and Misconceptions Are Prevalent. Here Are The Facts.
We know the dietary world is filled with misconceptions, half-truths and incomplete explanations. It's really important that you find professionals whom you trust. I sincerely hope that you will add our blog, as we do try to do excellent due diligence and bring you accurate information.
This posting is to help overcome some blatant disinformation, so you can make better choices. See the link to the original article for more factual corrections, too.
MYTH 1 - Dieting alone is enough to keep weight off. FALSE. You must be moderately active. Aim for 10,000 steps a day. Get a step-type digital pedometer at any sport store for about $10 US. Exercise, stress reduction etc make an impact on health, so that's why we do include other aspects of diabetic life here, so that you CAN turn diabetes around. Excess weight easily happens for diabetics and it need not.
MYTH 2 - It matters when you eat. They say FALSE; I say TRUE. Gastro-enterologists know that late night eating is a risk factor for colonic and stomach cancers. Why? You are asking your body to gin-up when it would normally be resting and then trying to detox during the early morning hours. Instead, you've belabored it with new food, no rest and little chance to detox. Also, our bodies are pre-programmed to only accept a certain amount of some nutrients per meal ... and after that, they are wasted, usually as excess heat after a meal (if your brown-fat metabolism still is working properly) ... otherwise, they are just MADE into FAT! So, about 6 meals, spaced fairly evenly through the day and early eve are best, with a tiny, balanced snack to keep blood-sugar stable through sleep.
MYTH 3 - Every recipe can be modified to a healthier version. FALSE. There are some recipes that just cannot be made healthy. With these, you have 2 choices. Use them extremely infrequently (less than once a month would be a good goal) OR never use them until you reach your goal, or forget them.
MYTH 4 - Skipping meals is OK. FALSE. Your body, especially a diabetic one, needs regular fuel. Any body goes into danger-mode when it is strung-out for lack of food. People who skip meals do damage their bodies and hype it into famine-mode where it wants to hoard (and then gain weight) ... and it's well documented that people who skip a meal end up eating more when they finally finish the day.
MYTH 5 - I'm young. I don't have to worry about my health yet! FALSE. Nearly 40 years ago, a friend of ours who was an Air Force patholgist told us that the autopsies he was performing on casualties showed massive health problems already starting in these "young, seemingly top-caliber" bodies. We were shocked and the intervening years have wreked far more havoc. Todays kids, tweens, teens, twenty, thirty and forty-somethings all need to take note! Our dietary choices are killing us and our lack of movement is too. Oprah just had Dr. Memet Oz, MD world-renowned heart surgeon on her show (around October 18, 2005) and the anatomical specimens were shocking, graphic and drive reality home! Meanwhile, Oprah may look hefty, but she exercises and is "solid". At 50, her heart is perfect and that of a healthy 19 year old. Enough said.
MYTH 6 - Healthy food is boring. FALSE! That's true only if the recipe is lousy or you can't cook.
MYTH 7 - It's good for you if it says "low fat", "low carb", "low sugar", "fat free", "no sugar". FALSE! In fact, it is important to have "the good fats" everyday - those found in cold-water wild fish (salmon, rainbow trout, pollock, herring, fresh anchovy, sardines [once a week], halibut), avocadoes, almonds, olives, macadamia nuts, coconut, flax seeds, hulled hemp seeds and their oils. The most nutritious oil is organic hemp oil, with flax oil a close second. These oils must never be heated, and must be kept in your refrigerator. Use them in salad dressings, savory smoothies, cold soups. Good fats help you LOSE weight and help keep you normal-weight if you are already at your goal. Coconuts are a natural saturated fat; that's not automatically unhealthy. The same is true of organic butter and ghee, if used in small amounts. (Use only the organic products ... regular is NOT safe.) Fresh coconut is a potent antiviral, but not in the dried form that it comes in for baking. The coconut water, coconut cream (fat) and coconut flesh is probably humanity's original food ... and it is life-enhancing and life-sustaining when used properly. Coconut oil does not go rancid, even at room temperatures and if you insist on fried food, infrequently, then use coconut, as it sustains the highest temperatures without breaking down into free-radicals. As far as sugary foods are concerned: no sugar is best, but not with artificial-something "added" to make it seem sweet! You are better off using raw organic honey (not for children under 3) or organic maple syrup Grade B or organic molasses ... all in small amounts ... or use naturallly sweet fruit puree to "sweeten" anything.
MYTH 8 - Drinking juice is the same as eating fruit. FALSE. Whole fruit has all kinds of compounds that never show up in just the juice. The skins which are edible usually house much of the nutrition. The skins which are not edible (like oranges and lemons) often need to be "harvested". The white pith on the skins which cooks always say is bitter, is one of the reasons citrus is eaten ... and most people are discarding that part. Hold slivers of the well-washed skin between your teeth and skim-off the white part! Fibre is in any of the edible skins, too. It will help soak up intestinal acids and protect the delicate lining, as well as increase transit time and better bowel motility. Fruit should never be a big part of your diet, even if not diabetic. The mainstay of human diet should always be a wide variety of vegetables, then a few fruits, then a few nuts / oils and finally a little high-quality protein. Emphasize little. Protein requirements are based on your lean body mass ... not your weight. Children are being given far too many sodas and juice drinks and juices. It is one of the main reasons for childhood obesity and dental problems. We would never sit down and eat 6 oranges at one sitting, but easily quaff a glass of juice!
MYTH 9 - Healthy foods are expensive. FALSE. They can be if you are not a savvy shopper, but packaged foods, take-out foods and restaurants are far more expensive! Buy healthy food in season and check the weekly supermarket ads. If you do not have time to go to many markets, then use the ads to go to the best store, overall, that week. It will average out. Use a home freezer ... even if you have an apartment!
MYTH 10 - Most salt is added at the table. FALSE. Most packaged, canned, deli, fast-food and restaurant foods are higher than needed in sodium. The limit is a maximum of 2000 mg a day, and that is easily reached unless you make your food at home. One teaspoon of salt equals about 2000 mg. There is also another healthier proposal ... learn about and use authentic Celtic Sea Salt. For more than a decade, the only salt we've used at home is this special sea salt, and regardless of weight issues, my family has not been plagued with high blood pressure from salting food ... read more and get the best salt, which exactly mirrors the needs in your internal-ocean (your cells) at Especially check out the books: "Seasalt's Hidden Power" and "The Maker's Diet".
Well, I hope this has clarified a few urban myths that undoubtedly have contributed to a few poor decisions along the way. All of us are here to learn everyday, and share our knowledge to make it easier for others.
Best Regards,
P.S. On November 3, 2005 a well-regarded doctor at Stanford University Medical School, Dr. Walter Bortz, II, MD will be releasing his book "Diabetes Danger". In it, he just states the facts now, and the future as he sees it. Of 270+ million Americans now, he anticipates 200 million of them are pre-pre-diabetic, pre-diabetic and diabetic. As diabetes cuts-off at least 15 years of life; causes job loss because diabetics "cost" a company (at least $11,000 yearly) "more" in health benefit use etc. etc., it is important for everyone to know the facts. We will continue to inform you, but your own health, your family's health (Dr. Bortz anticipates at least 1 in every 3 children will get diabetes!), keeping years of quality time with your family -- even national security and freedom -- depend on your healthy choices and ability to reverse whatever health-mess you may already be in. So, look at Dr. Bortz' book, and stay tuned here! We'll add a few of the basics in the Bortz book, from time to time. Dr. Bortz leaves options for treatment, so we will give you our opinion here, but the basic facts about the Diabetes danger, for ourselves and our nation, are there for your serious consideration.
LINKS: and and local or online bookstores
This posting is to help overcome some blatant disinformation, so you can make better choices. See the link to the original article for more factual corrections, too.
MYTH 1 - Dieting alone is enough to keep weight off. FALSE. You must be moderately active. Aim for 10,000 steps a day. Get a step-type digital pedometer at any sport store for about $10 US. Exercise, stress reduction etc make an impact on health, so that's why we do include other aspects of diabetic life here, so that you CAN turn diabetes around. Excess weight easily happens for diabetics and it need not.
MYTH 2 - It matters when you eat. They say FALSE; I say TRUE. Gastro-enterologists know that late night eating is a risk factor for colonic and stomach cancers. Why? You are asking your body to gin-up when it would normally be resting and then trying to detox during the early morning hours. Instead, you've belabored it with new food, no rest and little chance to detox. Also, our bodies are pre-programmed to only accept a certain amount of some nutrients per meal ... and after that, they are wasted, usually as excess heat after a meal (if your brown-fat metabolism still is working properly) ... otherwise, they are just MADE into FAT! So, about 6 meals, spaced fairly evenly through the day and early eve are best, with a tiny, balanced snack to keep blood-sugar stable through sleep.
MYTH 3 - Every recipe can be modified to a healthier version. FALSE. There are some recipes that just cannot be made healthy. With these, you have 2 choices. Use them extremely infrequently (less than once a month would be a good goal) OR never use them until you reach your goal, or forget them.
MYTH 4 - Skipping meals is OK. FALSE. Your body, especially a diabetic one, needs regular fuel. Any body goes into danger-mode when it is strung-out for lack of food. People who skip meals do damage their bodies and hype it into famine-mode where it wants to hoard (and then gain weight) ... and it's well documented that people who skip a meal end up eating more when they finally finish the day.
MYTH 5 - I'm young. I don't have to worry about my health yet! FALSE. Nearly 40 years ago, a friend of ours who was an Air Force patholgist told us that the autopsies he was performing on casualties showed massive health problems already starting in these "young, seemingly top-caliber" bodies. We were shocked and the intervening years have wreked far more havoc. Todays kids, tweens, teens, twenty, thirty and forty-somethings all need to take note! Our dietary choices are killing us and our lack of movement is too. Oprah just had Dr. Memet Oz, MD world-renowned heart surgeon on her show (around October 18, 2005) and the anatomical specimens were shocking, graphic and drive reality home! Meanwhile, Oprah may look hefty, but she exercises and is "solid". At 50, her heart is perfect and that of a healthy 19 year old. Enough said.
MYTH 6 - Healthy food is boring. FALSE! That's true only if the recipe is lousy or you can't cook.
MYTH 7 - It's good for you if it says "low fat", "low carb", "low sugar", "fat free", "no sugar". FALSE! In fact, it is important to have "the good fats" everyday - those found in cold-water wild fish (salmon, rainbow trout, pollock, herring, fresh anchovy, sardines [once a week], halibut), avocadoes, almonds, olives, macadamia nuts, coconut, flax seeds, hulled hemp seeds and their oils. The most nutritious oil is organic hemp oil, with flax oil a close second. These oils must never be heated, and must be kept in your refrigerator. Use them in salad dressings, savory smoothies, cold soups. Good fats help you LOSE weight and help keep you normal-weight if you are already at your goal. Coconuts are a natural saturated fat; that's not automatically unhealthy. The same is true of organic butter and ghee, if used in small amounts. (Use only the organic products ... regular is NOT safe.) Fresh coconut is a potent antiviral, but not in the dried form that it comes in for baking. The coconut water, coconut cream (fat) and coconut flesh is probably humanity's original food ... and it is life-enhancing and life-sustaining when used properly. Coconut oil does not go rancid, even at room temperatures and if you insist on fried food, infrequently, then use coconut, as it sustains the highest temperatures without breaking down into free-radicals. As far as sugary foods are concerned: no sugar is best, but not with artificial-something "added" to make it seem sweet! You are better off using raw organic honey (not for children under 3) or organic maple syrup Grade B or organic molasses ... all in small amounts ... or use naturallly sweet fruit puree to "sweeten" anything.
MYTH 8 - Drinking juice is the same as eating fruit. FALSE. Whole fruit has all kinds of compounds that never show up in just the juice. The skins which are edible usually house much of the nutrition. The skins which are not edible (like oranges and lemons) often need to be "harvested". The white pith on the skins which cooks always say is bitter, is one of the reasons citrus is eaten ... and most people are discarding that part. Hold slivers of the well-washed skin between your teeth and skim-off the white part! Fibre is in any of the edible skins, too. It will help soak up intestinal acids and protect the delicate lining, as well as increase transit time and better bowel motility. Fruit should never be a big part of your diet, even if not diabetic. The mainstay of human diet should always be a wide variety of vegetables, then a few fruits, then a few nuts / oils and finally a little high-quality protein. Emphasize little. Protein requirements are based on your lean body mass ... not your weight. Children are being given far too many sodas and juice drinks and juices. It is one of the main reasons for childhood obesity and dental problems. We would never sit down and eat 6 oranges at one sitting, but easily quaff a glass of juice!
MYTH 9 - Healthy foods are expensive. FALSE. They can be if you are not a savvy shopper, but packaged foods, take-out foods and restaurants are far more expensive! Buy healthy food in season and check the weekly supermarket ads. If you do not have time to go to many markets, then use the ads to go to the best store, overall, that week. It will average out. Use a home freezer ... even if you have an apartment!
MYTH 10 - Most salt is added at the table. FALSE. Most packaged, canned, deli, fast-food and restaurant foods are higher than needed in sodium. The limit is a maximum of 2000 mg a day, and that is easily reached unless you make your food at home. One teaspoon of salt equals about 2000 mg. There is also another healthier proposal ... learn about and use authentic Celtic Sea Salt. For more than a decade, the only salt we've used at home is this special sea salt, and regardless of weight issues, my family has not been plagued with high blood pressure from salting food ... read more and get the best salt, which exactly mirrors the needs in your internal-ocean (your cells) at Especially check out the books: "Seasalt's Hidden Power" and "The Maker's Diet".
Well, I hope this has clarified a few urban myths that undoubtedly have contributed to a few poor decisions along the way. All of us are here to learn everyday, and share our knowledge to make it easier for others.
Best Regards,
P.S. On November 3, 2005 a well-regarded doctor at Stanford University Medical School, Dr. Walter Bortz, II, MD will be releasing his book "Diabetes Danger". In it, he just states the facts now, and the future as he sees it. Of 270+ million Americans now, he anticipates 200 million of them are pre-pre-diabetic, pre-diabetic and diabetic. As diabetes cuts-off at least 15 years of life; causes job loss because diabetics "cost" a company (at least $11,000 yearly) "more" in health benefit use etc. etc., it is important for everyone to know the facts. We will continue to inform you, but your own health, your family's health (Dr. Bortz anticipates at least 1 in every 3 children will get diabetes!), keeping years of quality time with your family -- even national security and freedom -- depend on your healthy choices and ability to reverse whatever health-mess you may already be in. So, look at Dr. Bortz' book, and stay tuned here! We'll add a few of the basics in the Bortz book, from time to time. Dr. Bortz leaves options for treatment, so we will give you our opinion here, but the basic facts about the Diabetes danger, for ourselves and our nation, are there for your serious consideration.
LINKS: and and local or online bookstores
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