Monday, September 11, 2006

Lots Happening on the Research Front

I've spent the summer reading ... it's a passion, so the hours easily roll by. One of the most important books I've read this summer is "UltraMetabolism" by Dr. Mark Hyman, MD.

Mark is one of the growing numbers of Holistic Integrative Medical doctors --- MDs who embrace Alternative Medicine's desire to 1) really cure at the root of the problem while 2) using as natural a therapy as possible. I believe these doctors are the best hope for the future.

I will be trying to post more often and several new posts will alert you to important items read in "UltraMetabolism". One of the studies which Mark cites found that diabetics seem to have smaller mitochondria in their cells. What's a mitochondria you ask? Glad you did.

Mitochondria are your cellular power-houses. It is where all the nutritional material you put into your body is then literally "burned" for you to have the energy you need ... the energy to run your body and mind smoothly and seamlessly as well as the extra energy you want to use to play sports etc.

If you do indeed have smaller power-houses, then the food-fuel that cannot enter the mitochondria to turn into energy, starts being stashed as fat ... as insulin is very effective in doing that ... and blood sugars cannot stay high while waiting for food to be burned.

What's a solution ... well, one is the kinds of foods you eat, and especially whether you are eating medium-chain fatty acids and Omega-3 fats (these are "the good fats") ... these impact your metabolism favorably and help it be more efficient ... as does the right kind of exercise.

Obviously, when we mention exercise, you have to consult your own physician, but long, slow exercise counts ... like walking. Exercise builds muscle, and new muscle includes lots of new mitochondria ... so even if these mitochondria are smaller, too, you still MADE more power-houses.

So, these two techniques helped you from two different directions: 1) make your metabolism more efficient and 2) make more mitochondria! Keep tabs on your blood sugars, as, over time, you should see a positive response and feel more energy, too.

The medium-chain fatty acids you need are found in cold-pressed, extra-virgin coconut oil ... a healthy ... although saturated ... vegetarian oil (but do not use trans-fat hydrogenated coconut oils; these are used rampantly in factory-produced foods; read labels as these hydrogenated forms are what gave 'coconut and tropical oils' an undeserved stigma).

Purchase as the cold-pressed, extra-virgin form of coconut oil only. Get it from excellent health stores like New Seasons in Portland, Oregon, Whole Foods, nationally or online from manufacturers. The fat should be fluffy-cloud white ... yet be unbleached.

Jungle Products, Omega Nutrition and Spectrum Oils each have suitable versions ... in that order, according to my taste tests. Spectrum makes unrefined and refined ... so look at labels carefully.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids can be found in wild, cold-water fish (not farmed!), like: salmon, herring, cod, mackerel and sardines (these little fish are a high purine food, so don't use too often and eat sardines no more that once a week, if you are predisposed to gout). These Omega-3 essential fats are also found in perfect balance in vegetarian sources, the best of which is nutty, delicious hempseed ... which is available from Nutiva online and also Manitoba Harvest.

The extra-virgin, cold-pressed coconut oils and the Omega-3 fats can go a long way toward helping ameliorate diabetes, and they offer the possibility of near-cure or cure of diabetes when in a co-ordinated plan. Cherie Colbom's "The Coconut Diet" and Dr. Mark Hyman's "UltraMetbolism" will help you learn lots more!

Best Regards,